Join Safe Space!


We’re always recruiting!

There are a LOT of stream teams on Twitch. Some are pyramid schemes, some are full of hundreds of members who don’t know each other, and many try to only recruit partnered, popular streamers. Safe Space strives to be like all of these shitty teams.


Team Benefits

  • We meet up a lot. Meetings every week and community events! IRL at cons, hangouts, all over the planet, we’re chillin like villains

  • Tight-knit feel, but without the F4F/L4L bullshit

  • Team sponsored giveaways

  • Weekly workshops to help improve stream quality and viewer engagement

What we expect from members

To ensure transparency and establishing a clear direction of SafeSpace members, here are our expectations for members:

  • Viewership – Applicants looking to apply need to have an average viewership of 10–15 people. Not sure if you hold this number? Check out Sullygnome or your analytic website of choice. We do this solely because we are looking for members who have already established their own community.

  • Consistency – Consistency is key and we expect the same from our teammates. A set weekly schedule is not required but highly encouraged and recommended. However, we do require long term consistency. Look at your monthly hours – are they consistent?

  • Self-motivated – We are NOT here to push up your view numbers. As a team we are here to help give you the resources and networking skills to get you there organically. You must be willing to work hard and put forth the effort to grow yourself.

  • Discord Server – Turning on your alerts for our Discord server is required – Don’t worry, we only ping everyone for important matters. Additionally, we expect members to be engaged and involved in our server. We connect and grow relationships by interacting and we don’t want just another discord member, we want another friend.

  • Feedback – Be open to constructive feedback without being defensive or negative.

  • Teamwork and Support – We are a team and therefore as a team you must be willing to help each other instead of displaying an “it’s not my job” attitude. In addition, we are looking for prospects and members to hang out in everyone’s channels (as often as possible without being a burden to the life you have outside of twitch). This is not to a create a culture of support for support or follow for follow, but to help give viewers a reason to filter throughout all various channels – making a much larger and organically grown community.

The success of a team hinges on having good communication practices. We are strict and uphold these expectations to ensure our team is here for the long-term. If you check the wickets above and see yourself being here for the long-haul, we’d love to see your application!


Think you have what it takes?

Fill out the Google form below!


How will I know if I made the team?

We review applications every week and invite possible candidates to Prospects!
Look out for a team discord invite!